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Paper 002 / Track 1

Title: Executable Architectures Concept and Methodology
Point of Contact (POC): Eui Soon Kim
POC Email Address: kes3738@naver.com
POC Phone Number: +82-2-961-1664, +82-10-5081-2462
POC Organization: Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
Country: Republic pf Korea
Authors: Eui Soon Kim, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 004 / Track 12

Title: Applying Multi-sensor Information Fusion Technology to Problems of National Defense in the Complicated Social, Information, And Communication Environment
Point of Contact (POC): John Younker
POC Email Address: john.ynkr@gmail.com
POC Phone Number: 678-223-3205
POC Organization: Sensor Fusion Technology
Country: US
Authors: Dr. Buddy H Juen, John Younker

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 006 / Track 6

Title: An Iterative Blind Detection Algorithm for PSK Modulations
Point of Contact (POC): Nicholas Johnson
POC Email Address: Nicholas.t.johnson@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619-553-2119, 850-572-0622
POC Organization: SPAWAR Systems Center
Country: USA
Authors: Nicholas Johnson, Michael Civerolo, Nicholas Lumsden

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Paper 007 / Track 4

Title: Exploring Composite Network Agility
Point of Contact (POC): Kevin Chan
POC Email Address: kevin.s.chan.civ@mail.mil
POC Phone Number: 703 845 2411
POC Organization: Army Research Laboratory
Country: US
Authors: Chan, Kevin ARL
Alberts, David IDA

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 008 / Track 5

Title:  Evolutionary Development of Command and Control Systems of Systems Simulations
Point of Contact (POC):  Mary Ann Cummings
POC Email Address: Mary.cummings2@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 540 653 5419
POC Organization: NSWCDD
Country: US
Authors: Mary Ann Cummings, Clint Winfrey

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Paper 010 / Track 10

Title: Target Modeling Adversarial Agility
Point of Contact (POC): Dr. William L. Mitchell
POC Email Address: IMO-11@fak.dk
POC Phone Number: (45) 29 82 94 71
POC Organization: Danish Defence
Country: Denmark
Authors: Dr. William L. Mitchell
C2 & Intelligence
Dept. of Joint Operations
Royal Danish Defence College
Copenhagen, DNK
Tel. (45) 39151240/Cell (45) 29829471
Email: IMO-11@fak.dk

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 011 / Track 1

Title: A global model for direction and coordination in multi-actor crisis management
Point of Contact (POC): Olof Ekman
POC Email Address: olofekman@hotmail.com
POC Phone Number: +46-705-251-275
POC Organization: Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Country: Sweden
Authors: Olof Ekman, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Christian Uhr, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

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Paper 014  / Track 1

Title: Command and Control in the Information Age
Point of Contact (POC): Lenard Simpson
POC Email Address: Optech@charter.net
POC Phone Number: 757-243-7027
POC Organization: Optech Inc.
Country: USA
Authors: Resit Unal, Ph.D. -Old Dominion University
Paul W. Phister, Jr., Ph.D. - Retired
Chuck Keating, Ph.D - Old Dominion University
Chuck Keating, Ph.D - Old Dominion University
Marvin L. Simpson, Jr. -Optech Inc.

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Paper 016 / Track 7

Abstract Title: Mission Analysis and Anomaly Detection Under Supervised Autonomy Using Reinforcement Learning
Point of Contact (POC): Gavin Taylor
POC Email Address: taylor@usna.edu
POC Phone Number: 410 293 6816
POC Organization: US Naval Academy
Country: US
Authors: Dr. Gavin Taylor, MIDN Kawika Barabin, and MIDN Kent Sayre

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 017 / Track 4

Title: The Quest for Key Information: Does C2 Approach Matter?
Point of Contact (POC): David Alberts
POC Email Address: dalberts@ida.org
POC Phone Number: 703 845 2411
POC Organization: IDA
Country: USA
Authors: David S. Alberts - Institute for Defense Analyses
Marius S. Vassiliou - Institute for Defense Analyses

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 018 / Track 4

Title: Performance of Wireless Networks in Highly Reflective Rooms with Variable Absorption
Point of Contact (POC): Steven Iatrou
POC Email Address: sjiatrou@nps.edu
POC Phone Number: 831-656-3770
POC Organization: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Country: United States
Authors: Intini, Anibal. Colonel, Argentina Army
Gibson, John. Naval Postgraduate School
Iatrou, Steven. Naval Postgraduate School

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 021 / Track 3

Title: Seven C’s of Data Curation, for 2 C's of C2
Point of Contact (POC): Marius Vassiliou
POC Email Address: mvassili@ida.org
POC Phone Number: 703-887-8189
POC Organization: Institute for Defense Analyses
Country: USA
Authors: Agre, Jonathan, Vassiliou, Marius, Gordon, Karen

Institute for Defense Analyses

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 023 / Track 2

Title: Exploring Tipping Points and State Transitions in Composite Networks
Point of Contact (POC): David Alberts
POC Email Address: dalberts@ida.org
POC Phone Number: 703 845 2411
POC Organization: IDA
Country: US
Authors: Lisa Scott - Army Research Laboratory
David S. Alberts - Institute for Defense Analyses

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 025 / Track 2

Title: The Transition from Intelligence Cycle to Intelligence Process: “Network-Centric Intelligence in Narrow Seas”
Point of Contact (POC): Engin BÜKER
POC Email Address: enginbuker@gmail.com
POC Phone Number: +905327775547
POC Organization: Turkish Naval War College
Country: Turkey
Authors: Engin BÜKER, Turkish Naval War College

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 026 / Track 1

Title: Analyzing the Latest War Morphology in Current Age
Point of Contact (POC): Quan Mei
POC Email Address: m_chain@163.com
POC Phone Number: +8618700867879
POC Organization: Air Force Engineering University Information and Navigation Institute
Country: China
Authors: Quan Mei

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 027 / Track 7

Title: Command and Control in Network-Centric Operations: Trust and Robot Autonomy
Point of Contact (POC): Kristin E. Schaefer
POC Email Address: kristin.e.schaefer2.ctr@mail.mil
POC Phone Number: 410 278 5972
POC Organization: US Army Research Laboratory
Country: US
Authors: Kristin E. Schaefer, Susan G. Hill, A. W. Evans III

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 029 / Track 4

Abstract Title: SOA Experiments on Wireless Broadband Mobile Networks in the Tactical Domain
Point of Contact (POC): Marco Manso
POC Email Address: marco@rinicom.com
POC Phone Number: +44 (0) 7591 179991
POC Organization: Rinicom Ltd.
Country: UK
Authors: DEU, Barz, Christoph, Fraunhofer FKIE, christoph.barz@fkie.fraunhofer.de
DEU, Jansen, Norman, Fraunhofer FKIE, norman.jansen@fkie.fraunhofer.de
GBR, Alcaraz-Calero, Jose-Maria, University of the West of Scotland, Jose-Maria.Alcaraz-Calero@uws.ac.uk
GBR, Manso, Marco, Rinicom, marco@rinicom.com
GBR, Markarian, Garik, Rinicom, garik@rinicom.com
GBR, Owens, Ian, Cranfield Defence and Security, i.owens@cranfield.co.uk
GBR, Wang, Qi, University of the West of Scotland, Qi.Wang@uws.ac.uk
NLD, Meiler, Peter-Paul, TNO Defence, Netherlands, peter-paul.meiler@tno.nl
NOR, Hafsøe Bloebaum, Trude, FFI, Trude-Hafsoe.Bloebaum@ffi.no
NOR, Johnsen, Frank Trethan, FFI, Frank-Trethan.Johnsen@ffi.no
POL, Sliwa, Joanna, Military Communication Institute, Poland j.sliwa@wil.waw.pl
USA, Chan, Kevin, Army Research Laboratory, kevin.s.chan.civ@mail.mil


(Full Paper Here)

Paper 031 / Track 6

Title: PISA: Platform Independent Sensor Application
Point of Contact (POC): Frank Johnsen
POC Email Address: frank-trethan.johnsen@ffi.no
POC Phone Number: +47-63807960
POC Organization: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Country: Norway
Authors: Krog, Michael A. - University Graduate Centre (UNIK), Norway
Johnsen, Frank T. - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Bloebaum, Trude H. - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Brannsten, Marianne R. - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Reitan, Bård K. - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 032 / Track 4

Title: Mobile Cloud Computing for C2 - Operating in Intermittent, Austere Network Conditions
Point of Contact (POC):  Man-Tak Shing
POC Email Address: shing@nps.edu
POC Phone Number: 831 656 2634
POC Organization: Naval Postgraduate School
Country:  USA
Authors: Gurminder Singh, Man-Tak Shing, John H. Gibson, Yu Xian Ling, Toon Joo Wee

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 033 / Track 1

Title: Robotics Operator Manager ACT-R Model and Validation
Point of Contact (POC):  Daniel N. Cassenti
POC Email Address: daniel.n.cassenti.civ@mail.mil
POC Phone Number: 410 278 5859
POC Organization:  U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Country:  US
Authors: Daniel N. Cassenti and Kristin E. Shaefer

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 034 / Track 11

Title: Security Engineering in a System of Systems Environment
Point of Contact (POC): George Rebovich
POC Email Address: grebovic@mitre.org
POC Phone Number: 781-271-8503
POC Organization: The MITRE Corporation
Country: USA
Authors: Rebovich, George - The MITRE Corporation
Dahmann, Judith - The MITRE Corporation
Turner, Glenda - The MITRE Corporation

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 035 / Track 8

Abstract Title: Drag and Drop Insurgency: The Application of Social Media in Insurgent Environments
Point of Contact (POC): Max Goldwasser
POC Email Address: m162466@usna.edu
POC Phone Number: 404 863 5357
POC Organization: United States Naval Academy
Country: US
Authors: Goldwasser; Dannelly

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 035 / Track 8

Abstract Title: The Vulnerabilities and Implications of Social Media as a Command and Control Structure
Point of Contact (POC): Max Goldwasser
POC Email Address: m162466@usna.edu
POC Phone Number: 404 863 5357
POC Organization: United States Naval Academy
Country: US
Authors: Goldwasser; Dannelly

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 037 / Track 10

Title:  Special Operations Command Mission Partner Engagement
Point of Contact (POC): Ken D. Teske
POC Email Address: ken.teske.ctr@socom.mil
POC Phone Number: 757 510 0915
POC Organization: United States Special Operations Command
Country: US
Authors: Mr. Ken D. Teske. Mr. Michael D. Tisdel, Mr. William C. Fleser

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 038 / Track 10

Title:  “Mission Networks” Fostering Trust
Point of Contact (POC): Ken D. Teske
POC Email Address: ken.teske.ctr@socom.mil
POC Phone Number: 757 510 0915
POC Organization: United States Special Operations Command
Country: US
Authors: Mr. Ken D. Teske. Mr. Michael D. Tisdel, Mr. William C. Fleser

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 039 / Track 3

Title: Human Factors Engineering: An Enabler for Military Transformation Through Effective Integration of Technology and Personnel
Point of Contact (POC): Ms. Amanda George
POC Email Address: Amanda.george@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619 553 2066
POC Organization: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Country: US
Authors: Captain George Galdorisi (U.S. Navy – Retired), Ms. Amanda George, Mr. Michael Morris

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 040 / Track 3

Title: Finding the ‘RITE’ Acquisition Environment for Navy C2 Software
Point of Contact (POC): Ms. Amanda George
POC Email Address: Amanda.george@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619 553 2066
POC Organization: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Country: US
Authors: Captain George Galdorisi (U.S. Navy – Retired), Ms. Amanda George, Dr. Deborah Gill-Hasselgrave

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 041 / Track 2

Title: Adopting Emerging Technology to Enhance Organizational Performance
Point of Contact (POC): Ms. Amanda George
POC Email Address: Amanda.george@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619 553 2066
POC Organization: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Country: US
Authors: Captain George Galdorisi (U.S. Navy – Retired), Ms. Amanda George, Mr. Michael Morris, Ms. Angela Bowers

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 043 / Track 3

Title: Successful Adaptation of Information Management through Behavioral Isomorphisms[MSP1] 
Point of Contact (POC): Jason Bryant
POC Email Address: Jason.Bryant.8@us.af.mil
POC Phone Number: 315-330-7670
POC Organization: Air Force Research Laboratory
Country: USA
Authors: Jason Bryant

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 046 / Track 9

Title: Developing a C-BML-based C2-Sim Testbed Architecture for the UK using an Architecture Framework
Point of Contact (POC): Kevin Galvin
POC Email Address: kevin.galvin@uk.thalesgroup.com
POC Phone Number: (+44) (0)7870152104
POC Organization: Thales UK
Country: United Kingdom
Authors: Galvin, Kevin - Thales UK
Brook, Adam - QinetiQ Ltd

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 047 / Track 9

Title: Identifying CP Staff Tasks for Simulation Augmentation
Point of Contact (POC): James Ruth
POC Email Address: jruth@bma-1.com
POC Phone Number: 913-967-3552
POC Organization: Beshenich Muir & Associates
Country: USA
Authors: James Ruth, Mark Rieckenv

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 050 / Track 9

Title: Challenges and Opportunities for Simulation Systems Introduced by Rapidly Evolving Mission Command Information Systems Standards
Point of Contact (POC):  James Ruth
POC Email Address: jruth@bma-1.com
POC Phone Number: 913 967 3552
POC Organization: Beshenich Muir & Associates
Country: US
Authors: Mark Riecken

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 051 / Track 6

Title: Building a Trusted and Agile Supply Chain Network for Electronic Hardware
Point of Contact (POC): Zachary A. Collier
POC Email Address: Zachary.A.Collier@usace.army.mil
POC Phone Number: 601-634-7570
POC Organization: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Country: USA
Authors: Zachary A. Collier, Daniel DiMase, Kenneth Heffner, Igor Linkov

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 053 / Track 3

Title: The Importance of Decision-making in Major Combat Operations: Applying a Statistical Model to Understand Battle
Point of Contact (POC): Jonathan Czarnecki
POC Email Address: jczarne@nps.edu
POC Phone Number: 831-656-2653
POC Organization: Naval War College Monterey, Monterey, California
Country: United States
Authors: Czarnecki, Jonathan, Naval War college

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 057 / Track 1

Title: Impact-Focused Cyber-Incident Response
Point of Contact (POC):  Eur Ing Kevin Mepham
POC Email Address:  kevin.mepham@brunel.ac.uk
POC Phone Number:  +31 45 5263547
POC Organization:  Brunel University London
Country:  Netherlands
Authors:  Eur Ing Kevin Mepham, Prof Panos LouvierisDr. Gheorghita Ghinea

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 058 / Track 6

Title: Implementing Covert Communication Networks on Gunther-Hartnell Clique Graph Topologies
Point of Contact (POC): Timothy Nix
POC Email Address: timothy.nix@usma.edu
POC Phone Number: 845-938-3050
POC Organization: United States Military Academy
Country: USA
Authors: Timothy Nix and Riccardo Bettati

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 060 / Track 1

Title: An Empirical Study on the Development of a Conceptual Reference Model for Command and Control Based on Trust.
Point of Contact (POC): Byungjin PARK
POC Email Address: ncwforumsg@ncwforum.or.kr
POC Phone Number: + 82-10-2065-4733
POC Organization: Dr. Byungjin Park, Defense Network Centric Forum, Jonghap Hall 911, Ajou University
Country: ROK, Republic of Korea
Authors: PARK, Byungjin, Incorporated Association Defense NCW Forum

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 061 / Track 1

Title: A method for IO manning requirements assessments using the N2C2M2 – or enlightenment through conceptual development
Point of Contact (POC): Aasmund Thuv
POC Email Address: Aasmund.Thuv@ffi.no
POC Phone Number: +47 6380 7375
POC Organization: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Country: Norway
Authors: Aasmund ThuvGeir Enemo

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 063 / Track 7

Title: Optimizing the Human Element in the Age of Autonomy
Point of Contact (POC): Rachel Volner
POC Email Address: rachel.volner@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619 553 6758
POC Organization: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Country: USA
Authors: Dr. Vladimir Djapic, Captain George Galdorisi (U.S. Navy - Retired), Ms. Jennifer Pels, Ms. Maria Olinda Rodas, Ms. Rachel Volner

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 065 / Track 6

Title: Instantiating the Global Maritime Partnership
Point of Contact (POC): Jennifer M. Pels
POC Email Address: jennifer.pels.ctr@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619 553 2104
POC Organization: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
Country: USA
Authors: Captain George Galdorisi, (USN-retired), Ms. Amanda George, Mr. George Green, Dr. Stephanie Hszieh, Ms. Jennifer M. Pels

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 067 / Track 4

Title: Experiments on Pico-Satellites for Maritime Security Applications
Point of Contact (POC): Marco Manso* (POC has changed)
POC Email Address: marco@rinicom.com * (POC has changed)
POC Phone Number: +306956021520
POC Organization: University of the Aegean
Country: Greece
Authors: Georgios Mantzouris, Ph.Dc, University of the Aegean, Greece
Prof. Periklis Papadopoulos, San Jose State University, USA
Prof. Nikitas Nikitakos, University of the Aegean, Greece
Marco Manso, RINICOM Ltd., UK
Prof. Garik Markarian, RINICOM Ltd., UK

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 069 / Track 4

Title: Coping with Uncertainty: Improving Trust in Digital C2
Point of Contact (POC): Greg Judd
POC Email Address: gregory.judd@dsto.defence.gov.au
POC Phone Number: +61 8 7389 5335
POC Organization: Defence Science and Technology Organisation
Country: Australia
Authors: Greg Judd, Andrew Coutts, Luke Finlay

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 071 / Track 2

Abstract Title: Seeing is believing; hearing is understanding: Building real trust through virtual tools
Point of Contact (POC): Arild Bergh
POC Email Address: arild.bergh@ffi.no
POC Phone Number: +47 63 80 73 27
POC Organization: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Country: Norway
Authors: Bergh, Arild - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 072 / Track 11

Title: Operational Maneuver Warfare in Cyberspace
Point of Contact (POC):  Jess Simpson
POC Email Address:  jeff.simpson@volant-associates.com
POC Phone Number:  571 212 0297
POC Organization:  Volant Associates, LLC.
Country: USA
Authors:  Jeff Simpson

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 074 / Track 6

Title: A framework to support the development of Cyber Resiliency with Situational Awareness Capability
Point of Contact (POC): EDGAR YANO
POC Email Address: yano@ita.br
POC Phone Number: +5512981318779
POC Organization: ITA, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
Country: Brazil
Authors: Yano, Edgar - ITA, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Abreu, Welton - ITA Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Åhlfeldt, Rose-Mharie - University of Skövde, Sweden
Gustavsson, Per - Combitech, Sweden / Swedish National Defence College / George Mason University, USA

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 076 / Track 1

Title: Cybernetics: A General Theory that Includes Command and Control
Point of Contact (POC): Stuart A. Umpleby
POC Email Address: umpleby@gmail.com
POC Phone Number: 202-994-7355
POC Organization: The George Washington University
Country: USA
Authors: Stuart A. Umpleby

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 077 / Track 5

Title: System Dynamics Modelling of Situation Awareness
Point of Contact (POC): Rudolph Oosthuizen
POC Email Address: roosthuizen@csir.co.za
POC Phone Number: +27 82 733 6355
POC Organization: CSIR
Country: South Africa
Authors: Rudolph Oosthuizen - CSIR
Leon Pretorius - University of Pretoria

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 079 / Track 4

Title: Measures of Command & Control Performance
Point of Contact (POC): Nicoletta Baroutsi
POC Email Address: nicoletta.baroutsi@fhs.se
POC Phone Number: +46 733 94 37 69
POC Organization: Swedish National Defense University
Country: Sweden 
Authors: Nicoletta Baroutsi

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 080 / Track 9

Title: Using C-BML in a persistent Coalition C2-Simulation Experimentation Environment
Point of Contact (POC): Adam Brook
POC Email Address: rabrook@qinetiq.com
POC Phone Number: +44 (0) 1252 396427
POC Organization: QinetiQ Ltd, Cody Technology Park, Iveley Road, Farnborough, Hants, UK GU14 0LX
Country: UK
Authors: Adam Brook, QinetiQ Ltd
Michael Mifsud, Dstl (UK MoD)

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 084 / Track 11

Title: Integrated Adaptive Cyberspace Defense - Secure Orchestration
Point of Contact (POC): Keith D. Willett
POC Email Address: kdwille@nsa.gov
POC Phone Number: 410-854-0409
POC Organization: National Security Agency
Country: USA
Authors: Keith D. Willett

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 085 / Track 11

Title: Theoretical Model for Cybersecurity: Using Socially-Aware Purposeful Agent and Reflexive Game Theory
Point of Contact (POC): Kofi Nyamekye
POC Email Address: kofinsoyameye@iabsri.net
POC Phone Number: 314-705-1565
POC Organization: Integrated Activity-Based Simulation Research, Inc.
Country: USA
Authors: Kofi Nyamekye

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 086 / Track 2

Title: Bringing new arrangements to C2 – Experiments with social information
Point of Contact (POC): Bard Reitan
POC Email Address: bard.reitan@ffi.no
POC Phone Number: +47 63 80 77 35
POC Organization: Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Country: Norway
Authors: Reitan, Bard K - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Darisiro, Ramin - The Norwegian Defence University College
Elstad, Ann-Kristin - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Gran, Cecilie Jackbo - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 087 / Track 9

Title: Linking C2-­‐Simulation Interoperation Servers to Form Distributed Server Systems
Point of Contact (POC): J. Mark Pullen
POC Email Address: mpullen@c4i.gmu.edu
POC Phone Number: 703-­‐993-­‐1538
POC Organization: George Mason University
Country: USA
Authors: J. Mark Pullen, Lionel Khimeche, Xavier Cuneo, Ulrich Schade, Thomas Remmersmann

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 088 / Track 4

Title: An Analysis of Lessons Learned Relevant for Agility in Military Operations
Point of Contact (POC): Marie-Eve Jobidon
POC Email Address: marie-eve.jobidon@drdc-rddc.gc.ca
POC Phone Number: 416-635-2000 x3119
POC Organization: Defence R&D Canada, Toronto Research Centre
Country: Canada
Authors: Marie-Eve Jobidon (DRDC, Toronto Research Centre)
Barbara D. Adams (HumanSystems)
Micheline Bélanger (DRDC, Valcartier Research Centre)
Erica Elderhorst (HumanSystems)

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 090 / Track 3

Title: Concepts for Collaboration in Campaign Design
Point of Contact (POC): Eric A. Domeshek
POC Email Address: Domeshek@stottlerhenke.com
POC Phone Number: 617 945 8350
POC Organization: Stottler Henke Associates, Inc
Country: USA
Authors: Eric A. Domeshek, David Spangler, Daniel Tuohy 

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 091 / Track 4

Title: Modeling Information Propagation in Overlapping and Adaptive Social, Information, and Communication Networks
Point of Contact (POC): Lisa Scott
POC Email Address: lisa.m.scott92.civ@mail.mil
POC Phone Number: 301-394-3974
POC Organization: Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
Country: United States of America
Authors: Lisa Scott and Kevin Chan (ARL)
Will Dron and Alice Leung (BBN)
David Alberts (IDA)

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 093 / Track 9

Title: Ontology matching using structure and annotations in XML schema
Point of Contact (POC): Samuel Singapogu
POC Email Address: ssingapo@c4i.gmu.edu
POC Phone Number: 703 993 3082
POC Organization:  George Mason University C4I Center
Country: USA
Authors: Samuel Singapogu

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 094 / Track 12

Title: Rethinking Command and Control of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
Point of Contact (POC): Nicholas P. Cowan
POC Email Address: nicholas.cowan.1@us.af.mil
POC Phone Number: +49(0)6371-47-7901
POC Organization: 450th Intelligence Squadron
Country: USA
Authors: Nicholas Coway

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 095 / Track 2

Title: Increasing trust in network situation awareness
Point of Contact (POC): Regine Lecocq
POC Email Address: Regine.Lecocq@drdc-rddc.gc.ca
POC Phone Number: 1-418-844-4000 ext.: 4124
POC Organization: Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier
Country: Canada
Authors: Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier:
Lavigne Valérie - Lecocq Régine - Martineau Étienne – Mokhtari Marielle

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 096 / Track 4

Title: Factors Influencing Agility in Allocating Decision-Making Rights for Cyberspace Operations
Point of Contact (POC): Steven Stone
POC Email Address:  swsst320@mail.rmu.edu
POC Phone Number: 540-735-5238
POC Organization: Robert Morris University
Country: USA
Authors: Steven W. Stone

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 098 / Track 1

Title: Functionality of Intelligence Support to Command and Control
Point of Contact (POC): Mircea Mocanu
POC Email Address: mirceamocanu@yahoo.com
POC Phone Number: +40 734 690 176
POC Organization: none
Country: Romania
Authors: Mircea Mocanu, PhD, retired Romanian Military Intelligence officer

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 099 / Track 1

Title: Command and Control as part of the Intelligence Cycle
Point of Contact (POC): Mircea Mocanu
POC Email Address: mirceamocanu@yahoo.com
POC Phone Number: +40 734 690 176
POC Organization: None
Country: Romania
Authors: Mocanu Mircea PhD, retired Romanian Military Intelligence officer

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 100 / Track 1

Title: Thoughts on danger, risk, and threat
Point of Contact (POC): Mircea Mocanu
POC Email Address: mirceamocanu@yahoo.com
POC Phone Number: +40 734 690 176
POC Organization: None
Country: Romania
Authors: Mocanu Mircea, PhD, retired Romanian Military Intelligence officer

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 104 / Track 3

Title: DT-GIS System for Tactical Pattern Exploration in Asymmetric Conflicts
Point of Contact (POC): Jyh-Charn Liu
POC Email Address: liu@cse.tamu.edu
POC Phone Number: 979 845 8739
POC Organization: Computer Science & Engineering Department of TAMU
Country: USA
Authors: Xing Wang, Stephen George, Jason Lin, Benke Qu, Jyh-Charn Liu

(Full Paper Here) 

Paper 105 / Track 11

Title: Introduction to Agile Security Concepts and Fundamentals, with C2 Implications
Point of Contact (POC): Rick Dove
POC Email Address: dove@parshift.com
POC Phone Number: 575-586-1536
POC Organization: Paradigm Shift International
Country: USA
Authors:Rick Dove

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 107 / Track 3

Title: An Approach to Data FUsion Using JC3IEDM Model and the Record Linkage Technique
Point of Contact (POC): Luciene Carvalho Corrêa de Souza
POC Email Address: lucienecarvalho@gmail.com
POC Phone Number: (+55 21) 98306-2251
POC Organization: Military Institute of Engineering
Country: Brazil
Authors: Luciene Carvalho Corrêa de Souza, Wallace Anacleto Pinheiro

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 109 / Track 12

Title: Strategic Planning and Tactical Situational Awareness using MECH
Point of Contact (POC): Jyh-Charn Liu
POC Email Address: liu@cse.tamu.edu
POC Phone Number: 979 845 8739
POC Organization: Computer Science & Engineering Department of TAMU
Country: USA
Authors: Jason Lin, Benke Qu, Xing Wang, Stephen George, Jyh-Charn Liu,

(Full Paper Here)   

Paper 110 / Track 1

Title: The Morality of Cyber Warfare and the Just Warfare Theory
Point of Contact (POC): Tom Wester
POC Email Address: m166912@usna.edu
POC Phone Number: (262) 527-1955
POC Organization: United States Naval Academy
Country: USA
Authors: Tom Wester

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 111 / Track 2

Title: Command and Control in Multiteam Systems: Measuring and Building Trust between People and Groups
Point of Contact (POC): Michael R. Hieb
POC Email Address: mhieb@c4i.gmu.edu
POC Phone Number: 703-993-3990
POC Organization: George Mason University
Country: USA
Authors: Michael R. Hieb

(Full Abstract Here)

Paper 112 / Track 9

Title: Developing and Communicating Intent for Distributed Staff
Point of Contact (POC): Michael R. Hieb
POC Email Address: mhieb@c4i.gmu.edu
POC Phone Number: 703 993 3990
POC Organization: George Mason University
Country: USA
Authors: Michael R. Hieb

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 113 / Track 4

Title: An Experimentation Framework for Federated Data-Sharing Services Operating in Disrupted,
Disconnected, Intermittent, and Limited-bandwidth (D-DIL) Environments
Point of Contact (POC): Jayson Durham
POC Email Address: jayson.durham@navy.mil
POC Phone Number: 619-553-2344
POC Organization: SSC Pacific
Country: USA
Authors: Jayson Durham, Ryan Gabrys, Mark Bilinski, Riley Zeller-Townson, and Shea Polansky

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 117 / Track 6

Title: Interoperabilty, Speaking the same language via tactical data link systems
Point of Contact (POC): Erdem HEKİMHAN
POC Email Address: ehekimhan@gmail.com
POC Phone Number: +905065008313
POC Organization: Turkish Air War College
Country: Turkey
Authors: Hekimhan, Erdem - Turkish Air War College
Ozkaynak, Savas - Turkish Air War College

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 123 / Track 2

Title: Moving from C2 Agility from a theory to a NATO Practice
Point of Contact (POC): Bulent Soykan
POC Email Address: bulent.soykan@act.nato.int
POC Phone Number: 757-773-8487
POC Organization: NATO HQ SACT
Country: NATO
Authors: Bulent Soykan, NATO HQ SACT
Dr. David S. Alberts, IDA

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 129 / Track 1

Title: Advancing C2 Effectiveness at the Tactical Edge Operational Approach and Method with New M2 Capability
Point of Contact (POC): Kevin Diaz
POC Email Address: atkaann@gmail.com
POC Phone Number: 617-506-0734
POC Organization: MERAD
Country: USA
Authors: Diaz, Kevin - MERAD

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 133 / Track 3

Title: Context Focused Intelligence Service within Big Data Environment: Knowledge Enabled Activeness, Efficiency and Precision
Point of Contact (POC): Xin Jin
POC Email Address: venus_163@163.com
POC Phone Number: 
POC Organization: Science and Technology on Information Systems Engineering Laboratory
Country: P.R. China
Authors: Xin Jin, Shiqiang Zong, Youjiang Li, Shanshan Wu, Wenke Yin, Weiyi Ge

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 134 / Track 6

Title: Suitability of Free Space Optical Communication in Military Environments
Point of Contact (POC): Charles Prince
POC Email Address: cdprince@nps.edu
POC Phone Number: 831.656.2073
POC Organization: Naval Postgraduate School
Country: United States of America
Authors: Charles Prince

(Full Paper Here)